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People, places, ideas - what was 2024 like?

2024 is the story of the people, places and ideas that the Mieroszewski Centre brings together. Over the past twelve months we have been building bridges - connecting the past with the present, culture with science and, above all, Poland with the nations of Eastern Europe. It has been a year full of conversations, discoveries and working together to understand history and the challenges we face today.

Research that gives voice to the past

This year we listened to the voices of the past to better understand the present. Through a project on Polish-Ukrainian intellectual dialogue in the 19th century, we discovered how past conversations - sometimes difficult and full of discrepancies - still resonate in contemporary relations. We have created an anthology of sources and a glossary of terms that can become a tool for further dialogue.

We have also examined thousands of documents, speeches and interviews to trace how Russia has been creating its historical policy towards Poland and Ukraine over the past decades. These discoveries open our eyes to the mechanisms that continue to influence our reality.

Nor have we forgotten those who have been lost in the shadows of history. The study ‘The fate of Poles under Soviet occupation after 17 September 1939’ is an attempt to restore the memory of people - their names, families and unspoken stories.

Meetings that build bridges

The Mieroszewski Centre is above all about people coming together to learn and talk. In the summer, during the ‘Neighbourhood Trialogue’, young researchers from Poland, Ukraine and Belarus spent several days analysing, debating and searching for what is common. This experience showed that real dialogue begins when we sit down together at the table and listen to each other.

No less important were our ‘Word for Word’ translation schools. Young translators worked on literary texts, creating anthologies that capture the spirit of contemporary Georgians and Ukrainians. Through them, words gain new life and reach new audiences.

‘Humbug’ is our 2024 fact-checking workshop programme, which reached teachers from different regions of Poland. Through our collaboration with the Demagog Association, we help teachers understand the mechanisms of misinformation and pass on these skills to students, so that together they can build resilience to false information.

Culture that moves

In 2024, we saw culture as a tool for understanding and resistance. ‘Tango’ by Slawomir Mrożek on the Kyiv theatre stage took on a new and special meaning - the Polish drama became a voice of dialogue in the heart of Ukraine.

There was also the film ‘Najgruzinszy/a’, which shattered stereotypes and opened our eyes to the true face of Georgia. The screening in Warsaw and the heated discussion after the screening proved that talking about difficult topics is crucial.

We also organised an exhibition ‘Art vs. War’ and screenings of documentaries such as ‘20 Days in Mariupol’. These events reminded us that culture has the power to unite, inspire and give hope.

Our voices online

This was also a year in which we were able to reach an even larger audience. The ‘Polihistor 2.0’ programme on YouTube attracted more than a million viewers who want to know more about the history and politics of our region. The short, concrete talks proved that even complex topics can be presented in an understandable and interesting way.

Our website and social media activity brought us to younger audiences - not only in Poland, but also in Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine.

Scholarships that open doors to knowledge

In 2024, the Mieroszewski Scholarship Programme attracted a record number of applications - 64 people received support. Each of our scholarships - ‘Research in Ukraine’, ‘Research in Poland’ and ‘Month in Poland’ - is an opportunity to develop research, exchange experiences and build relationships that can change our region for the better in the future.

Activities that matter

We closed the year with the 2nd Open Competition, which supported 48 unique projects - from small, local initiatives to international ventures. Each is a step towards better dialogue, mutual understanding.

In the past year, the Mieroszewski Centre has also enriched its publishing offer with five new publications that introduce readers to the history, literature and politics of our region. Each of these books is the result of the collaboration of eminent researchers, translators and enthusiasts who share their knowledge and perspectives.

2024 has shown that the mission of the Mieroszewski Centre is alive and needed as never before. Another year full of challenges and new encounters lies ahead. See you in 2025!