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Ukrainian interpretation of 'Dziady' on the stage of a Polish theatre

21—25.02.2025 (Friday), 19:00

Teatr Dramatyczny im. Gustawa Holoubka, Pałac Kultury i Nauki, pl. Defilad 1


Centrum Mieroszewskiego, Teatr Dramatyczny im. Gustawa Holoubka w Warszawie, Dom Spotkań z Historią

ukraiński z polskimi napisami
Add to calendar 21-02-2025 19:00 25-02-2025 11:00 Europe/Warsaw Ukrainian interpretation of 'Dziady' on the stage of a Polish theatre

The Mieroszewski Centre, in cooperation with the Dramatic Theatre in Warsaw and the History Meeting House, invites you to a unique screening of ‘Dziady’, staged by the Ivano-Frankivsk National Academic Dramatic Theatre. This is an extraordinary opportunity to see a Ukrainian interpretation of one of the most important Polish dramas, set in the contemporary context of war and the fight for freedom.

Warszawa, Teatr Dramatyczny im. Gustawa Holoubka, Pałac Kultury i Nauki, pl. Defilad 1

The Mieroszewski Centre, in cooperation with the Dramatic Theatre in Warsaw and the History Meeting House, invites you to a unique screening of ‘Dziady’, staged by the Ivano-Frankivsk National Academic Dramatic Theatre. This is an extraordinary opportunity to see a Ukrainian interpretation of one of the most important Polish dramas, set in the contemporary context of war and the fight for freedom.

‘Dziady’ during the war

Two years after the famous staging of ‘Dziady’ at the Słowacki Theatre in Krakow, Maja Kleczewska once again reaches for Mickiewicz's drama, this time staging it at the Frankivsky Dramatic Theatre. In her interpretation, she emphasises the topicality of ‘Dziady’ as an anti-imperial work. It is difficult to find another work in Polish literature that describes so vividly the nation's struggle against Russian enslavement. Staging ‘Dziady’ in Ukraine, at a time of war with Russia, has an unusually strong resonance - for both Ukrainian and Polish audiences.

Kleczewska's production is not only a staging of the classic drama, but also a political act – a manifesto of resistance that highlights the commonality of experience between Poland and Ukraine in confronting Russian imperialism. ‘This is your war, because the Ukrainians are defending each and every one of us’. - says the director, responding to those who claim that the war in Ukraine does not concern the rest of Europe.

Kleczewska, regarded as one of Poland's most important directors, gives ‘Dziady’ a strong anti-Russian tone. At the centre of the staging is the experience of a man deprived of freedom - a universal theme that transcends the context of Poland and Ukraine. The play poses difficult questions for Europe: not about Ukraine's gratitude, but about what we still owe it.

Theatre as a voice of protest

At the Mieroszewski Centre, we decided to support the showing of the play because theatre in times of war acts not only as an artistic medium, but above all as a tool of resistance. ‘Dziady’ in this context is more than just a play – it is a voice of resistance against aggression and an attempt to redefine the role of art in a reality marked by war.

Staging a Polish drama, which has always been a symbol of national resistance against tyranny, in the heart of warring Ukraine is a clear signal of solidarity and common destiny. It also proves that theatre is not a luxury of peacetime, but a space of struggle for memory and justice.

Producers and cast

  • Directed by: Maja Kleczewska
  • Set design: Wojciech Puś
  • Costume Designer: Konrad Parol
  • Choreography: Kaja Kołodziejczyk, Dmytro Leka
  • Composer: Cezary Duchnowski
  • Conductor: Bohdan Tkaczuk
  • Choirmaster: Natalia Bajdak
  • Assistant Director: Roman Lucki
  • Assistant Director: Lubov Skirko

The performance features, among others: Viktor Abramiuk, Liliia Abramiuk, Inna Bevza, Ivan Blindar, Vladyslav Demydiuk, Valentyna Ivanytska, Yevhenii Kholodniak, Pavlo Kilnytskyy, Yuliia Konyk, Oleksii Leibiuk, Dmytro Leka, Nadiia Levchenko, Roman Lutskyi, Yurii Lytvynov, Andrii Melnyk, Oleh Panas, Bohdan Romaniuk, Tetiana Shavkova, Ivanna Sirko, Ostap Sloboda, Liubomyr Valivots, Mariana Vintoniak, Yurii Vyhovanets, Ihor Zakharchuk.

Performance dates

  • 21 February, 7 pm
  • 22 February, 19:00 pm
  • 23 February, 5pm
  • 25 February, 11:00 am & 7 pm

A chance to see a Ukrainian staging of ‘Dziady’ in Poland

The performance of ‘Dziady’ by a Ukrainian theatre is a unique artistic event, which allows us to look at the classic of Polish literature from a new perspective. Transferring it to Polish stages gives you the opportunity to experience a play that unites two nations in the historical and contemporary struggle for freedom.

Don't miss this opportunity – we invite you to the screenings at the Dramatyczny Theatre in Warsaw. Tickets available at:

The play is performed in Ukrainian with translation into Polish (subtitles), intended for audiences aged 16 and over.

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