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XXXII Economic Forum in Karpacz

5.09.2023 (Tuesday), 00:00

Karkonoska 14, Karpacz


Fundacja Instytut Studiów Wschodnich

polski, angielski

The Mieroszewski Centre will attended the XXXII Economic Forum in Karpacz. This year's event was held under the theme 'New values of the Old Continent - Europe at the threshold of change' on 5-7 September 2023.

Each year, the Economic Forum hosts more than 5,000 people and brings together political, economic and social leaders from 60 countries from around the world for several hundred debates.

Forum is a unique space for the exchange of opinions of key figures in European politics and the economy, which is why important declarations are made every year at the Economic Forum and why its discussions are followed by media from all over the world.

During the 2023 edition of the Economic Forum, the Mieroszewski Centre organised a debate "What History to Support Regional Cooperation?".

The discussion among researchers from Poland, Lithuania and Ukraine, who, by virtue of their public functions, influence the politics of history pursued in the Central and Eastern European countries, focused on the following questions.

  • How can history serve as a tool for strengthening ties in the region?
  • What measures should be taken to minimise the negative impact of different historical memories on the current cooperation of Poland, Lithuania, Ukraine and Czechia?
  • How can Poland, Lithuania, Czechia and Ukraine shape the perception of Central and Eastern European history beyond the region?

Moderator: Bogumiła Berdychowska, Kwartalnik "Więź"


  • Łukasz Adamski, The Mieroszewski Centre
  • Šarūnas Liekis, Vytautas Magnus University
  • Maciej Ruczaj, The Polish Institute in Prague

The Economic Forum in Karpacz has been held for several years and has become an influential event for key decision-makers from the public and private sectors.

The forum brings together a diverse range of participants. Among them are representatives of the government, including ministries, local authorities and NGOs, government organisations, who have the opportunity to present the country's politics. Also important are representatives of the private sector, both Polish entrepreneurs and foreign investors, who share their experiences and ideas for the development of the Polish economy. In addition, experts and academics present the results of their research and point out trends and prospects for the country's growth.

It is not only a series of discussion panels and lectures, but also an opportunity to establish contacts and take specific initiatives. The Forum includes bilateral meetings, networking sessions and a trade fairs.

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