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Presentation of the report "Poles about Belarus and Belarusians"

29.06.2023 (Thursday), 12:30

PM AULA, Wydział Neofilologii UW, ul. Dobra 55


Centrum Mieroszewskiego, Uniwersytet Warszawski, Studium Europy Wschodniej UW


What do Poles think about Belarus and Belarusians? We would like to invite you to a presentation of the report on the public opinion poll in Poland.

How is the perception of Belarus, its authorities and inhabitants evolving in the light of current events? How has the constant exposure to news from Belarus impacted interest in and knowledge of that country among the Polish public? What kind of expectations do Poles have regarding the policy that should be currently pursued towards Belarus by Poland and Western countries? Should the Belarusian society, including Poles in Belarus, be supported and how?

These are the most important questions posed by the opinion poll conducted in May by the Mieroszewski Centre and ARC Rynek i Opinia. The results will be discussed during a panel discussion with Dr Ernest Wyciszkiewicz, Director of the Mieroszewski Centre, Łukasz Mazurkiewicz, President of the ARC Rynek i Opinia research institute and Pavel Usau, Belarusian political scienist.

The presentation will be part of the Warsaw East European Conference (WEEC).

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