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Moldova. Renewal

Four Polish film crews travelled to Moldova to tell us about it through the eyes of its people. During their week-long stay, the teams, consisting of a director and a cinematographer, followed the footsteps of pre-selected characters in search of subjects and material.

Awareness of Moldova among the Polish community is relatively limited. The vast majority of Poles understand that Moldova is a country located in Eastern Europe, bordering Romania and Ukraine. They are also familiar with the country's rich history and culture, in which Romanian, Russian, Ukrainian and Turkish influences are intertwined.

Nevertheless, few Polish citizens have a more detailed knowledge of Moldova. They get their information about the country mainly from the media, which mainly focus on political and economic aspects. Moldova often appears in the Polish media in the context of conflicts with Russia or in connection with the process of negotiating accession to the European Union.

The project called 'Moldova.Renew' was created to raise awareness of Moldova among Poles. Documentary films made as part of this project show Moldova through the eyes of its inhabitants. The main aim of these short forms is to present Moldova as a country with many faces and identities, where different influences collide.

The project also aims to bring the filmmaking communities of Poland and Moldova closer together, gaining interest from both sides and laying the foundations for future production cooperation.

Each film crew has created documentaries of several minutes, which will be combined into one series. The films are published on the Mieroszewski Centre's YouTube channel.

Partners of the project are the Polish Institute in Bucharest and the Konglomeart Foundation.

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