The World of Sybir| Popular-science portal

Enter a world in which human suffering is intertwined with bravado, humiliation and death with ambition and lust for a better life, and human passion with the orchestrations of blind fate. Immerse yourself in the World of Sybir.

The Mieroszewski Center, together with the Sybir Memorial Museum, has prepared a multilingual online thematic portal The World of Sybir.

On the portal you can find knowledge about:

  • Russian deportations and Soviet deportations "to Sybir" and other forms of repression applied to Poles and other nations living primarily in the eastern areas of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth from the late 18th century to the mid-20th century,
  • the presence and contribution of Poles to the economic and cultural development of Russia and the Soviet Union (including those people who found themselves there as a result of repression),
  • about today's social life in the post-Soviet area, with a special focus on the places to which Poles and Polish citizens of other nationalities were sent, deported, and where they were imprisoned.

What distinguishes the portal is that the content is created by renowned authors: researchers and popularizers of history, among others, based on the collections of the Siberia Memorial Museum (archival photographs, exhibits, witness accounts).

In turn, materials relating to the present and today's social life of "Sybir" (reports, photo essays and podcasts) come from recognised reporters, or have been prepared by the Museum staff with the participation of outside experts and experts.

For whom is the portal intended?

- The portal is aimed at all Internet audiences interested in the history of Russian and Soviet repression and the history of the presence of Poles and representatives of other nations living in the former Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth deep inside Russia and the former Soviet Union. Soviet Union. - Maciej Wyrwa from the Mieroszewski Centre.

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