Lesson plans on the Katyn Massacre

Author: Collective volume
Edition: first
Publishing date: 2022
Binding : Paperback

We would like to encourage you to download the plans of history lessons about the Katyn Massacre, which were created on the basis of the website www.katynpromemoria.pl.

The plans are intended for primary and secondary schools, and the presented content focuses on one area - the Polish War Cemetery in Katyn. It was in the Katyn Forest that the first bodies of the Victims were discovered in 1943, and it was the graves of the Polish prisoners of war from Kozielsk that became the symbol of the entire Crime.

We also invite you to watch a video with instructions on how to conduct a lesson using the portal. The video is available on our YouTube channel at this link.

The aim of our scenarios is not only to convey historical facts, but also to develop students' critical thinking skills, empathy and understanding of the complexity of history. We hope that the materials created by teachers for teachers and educators will be helpful in conducting lessons on the Katyn Massacre, encouraging students to deepen their knowledge of this historically important topic.