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Relations between the Soviet authorities and the Polish Underground State: 1945-1946

Status: Archival research

The aim of the project was to prepare – on the basis of previously inaccessible sources – an analysis of the relationship between the Polish Home Army  (AK) / ‘NIE’ organisation/ The Armed Forces Delegation for Poland on the one hand and the Red Army and other Soviet units and Soviet partisans, on the other, in the years 1943-1946.

The Centre obtained a prestigious research grant of the National Science Centre for the realisation of this project, which enabled conducting extensive archival queries in the archives of Poland, Russia and Ukraine. Research results were presented to the publics in 2016 as three volumes of sources and a separate collective monograph.

Besides that, a book "Na Białych Polaków obława. Wojska NKWD w walce z polskim podziemiem 1944-1953”, written by Grzegorz Motyka, appeared in 2014 – it was written on the basis of materials, collected during archival research related to the project.

Research Project Leader: prof. Grzegorz Motyka