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Edition of sources on the Polish-Soviet relations

Status: Ongoing research

The aim of the project is to publish a unique selection of sources related to the Polish-Soviet relations in the years 1918-1945.  As a result, four volumes of documents will be prepared. They will cover  the periods of 1918-1926, 1926-1932, 1932-1939 and 1939-1945 years, respectively.

Research results will be made available for broad academic circles, particularly in Poland and Russia. Polish historians will gain unknown historical sources which allow to extend their knowledge about the relations of both countries. Russian researchers, additionally, will receive an access to a number of Polish sources in the translation for the Russian language, which will increase both the number and academic credibility of research carried out in this country. The publication of documents and materials on the Polish-Soviet relations would be of significant importance also for Ukrainian, Belarusian and Lithuanian historians.

The Centre obtained a prestigious research grant of Republic of Poland’s National Programme for the Development of Humanities for realisation of this project.

Research Project Leader: prof. Mariusz Wołos