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The Mieroszewski Centre announces the results of the Mieroszewski Scholarship Programme ‘Research in Ukraine’, which aims to deepen knowledge of Polish-Ukrainian mutual relations and the historical and contemporary challenges of the Eastern European region. 

The programme is aimed at Ukrainian scholars (Ukrainian nationals) conducting, despite the war, research activities in Ukraine in the fields of history, culture, social sciences and other humanities disciplines.

This year, a total of 149 applications were received, of which 92 were referred for consideration. The Commission decided to grant funding to 36 scholarship holders from Ukraine, awarding a total of PLN 432,000. More scholarships were awarded than originally planned, as a result of the high quality of the projects submitted.

Aims and Scope of the Programme

The 2024 Research in Ukraine programme covers a wide range of research topics:

the interplay and interaction of Polish and Ukrainian political thought and historiography
the struggle of the Russian Empire against the heritage of the former Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth 1772-1917
Soviet repression in Soviet Ukraine
political and economic challenges to Polish-Ukrainian relations in the light of Russian aggression
cultural cooperation between Poland and Ukraine after 1991
European Union and Euro-Atlantic integration, opportunities and challenges
the Polish contribution to the development of international law
Fellows will study, among other things, Ukrainian-Polish cooperation to save cultural heritage during the Russian aggression; the state of Ukrainian science in the Second Polish Republic; the Polish archaeological environment of Lviv in the interwar period.

Conditions of participation

The scholarship was intended for the implementation of scientific projects in the above-mentioned topics. To apply for the programme, candidates had to submit a detailed research plan assessed for scientific merit, recommendations from academic, research and cultural institutions or individuals, and to document previous research achievements.

Duration and Amount of the Fellowship

The scholarship will last for four months, from 1 August to 30 November 2024. The amount of the scholarship is PLN 12,000, paid in four tranches of PLN 3,000 each.

The ‘Research in Ukraine’ programme provides a unique opportunity to develop your research career and broaden your research horizons in an extremely important and topical research area.

The Mieroszewski Centre has announced the 'Research in Ukraine' scholarship programme aimed at Ukrainian researchers (Ukrainian citizens) carrying out, despite the war, scientific activities in Ukraine.

A total of 142 applications were received for the 2023 Mieroszewski Scholarship Programme.

Out of 130 applications submitted for consideration, the committee decided to subsidise 27 scholarship recipients from Ukraine. The total amount was PLN 243,000.

The scholarship holders will study, among other things, the problem of crises and conflicts in the development of Eastern European countries; Polish-Ukrainian scientific and educational-cultural interactions; the axiology of contemporary war or the fate of Polish students at Kharkiv University in the 19th and early 20th centuries.

Supporting Ukrainian scientists who continue their scientific activities despite the ongoing war has several key reasons. War can significantly disrupt the research process, and external support helps scientists to maintain the continuity of their work. This is important for the long-term development of science, both in Ukraine and globally. Supporting science in wartime also highlights the role of science as a universal language and tool that can cross borders and bring people together in pursuit of common goals. This in turn fosters international scientific cooperation, including Polish-Ukrainian cooperation.  

Supporting scientists in crisis situations such as war is important not only for the direct benefit of their work, but also as an expression of solidarity.