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The second edition of the Mieroszewski Scholarship Programme "Research in Poland" - a financial support for your research project.

The Mieroszewski Centre announced the next edition of "Research in Poland", which is a scholarship that for the second year supports scholars and researchers in their efforts to deepen the knowledge of the history, culture and political situation of Central and Eastern Europe. The scholarship is a unique opportunity to gain financial support for research projects that are crucial to understanding the past and present of the peoples of this part of Europe.

Multidimensional research on the heritage of Central and Eastern Europe

The scholarship programme is addressed to researchers working on a wide variety of topics that are relevant to the development of contemporary knowledge and cultural identity. Examples of research projects carried out in previous editions illustrate the breadth of the programme participants' interests - from research into the social aspects of life in the late Russian Empire, to the analysis of the axiological foundations of political transformation in Central and Eastern Europe in the 1990s, to the attempts to understand women's experience of war in the context of their everyday experience of history.

16 researchers from 7 countries

A total of 83 applications were received for the 2024 Mieroszewski Scholarship Programme "Research in Poland".

Out of 68 applications submitted for consideration, the committee decided to fund 16 scholarship recipients from the Czech Republic, Japan, Lithuania, Hungary, Ukraine, Belarus and the United Kingdom.

The total amount was PLN 585,000.

The scholarship holders will study, among other things: Preservation, rescue and loss of cultural heritage in the Vilnius region during the First World War; Transformation of the religious field in Ukraine 2014-2024 as a current challenge for the ecumenical movement in Poland; Memorial museums in Poland and Ukraine: Exposing the Holocaust and War Crimes in the Context of European Remembrance Culture; The Activities of Women Philosophers in Central Europe: a Comparison of Poland and Czechoslovakia; Intercultural Education in Poland as a Tool for Integration and Dialogue between Ukrainian and Polish Communities.

The Mieroszewski Scholarship Programme "Research in Poland" provides financial support to foreigners engaged in scientific research activities related to the history, political situation, culture and heritage of the peoples of Central and Eastern Europe.

Research activities in these areas are an important pillar of contemporary knowledge and cultural identity formation. Developing research in these areas contributes to an enriched global perspective and understanding of historical and cultural interdependencies.

Historical research allows to look back in time and understand the roots of the events that shaped the course of Central and Eastern European history. Learning about the past helps to better understand contemporary challenges and conflicts, and to learn from the experiences of previous generations. In turn, the study of the political situation of the region provides an in-depth understanding of the political, institutional and social changes that have taken place in Central and Eastern Europe. Such analyses are useful in forecasting future developments and formulating effective strategies for stability and cooperation. The cultural heritage of Central and Eastern Europe is rich and diverse, reflecting centuries of coexistence between different peoples and traditions. Cultural research makes it possible to preserve, document and revive unique aspects of culture, contributing to building intercultural ties. The Mieroszewski Scholarship Programme "Research in Poland" can certainly contribute to the dialogue between different social groups of Central and Eastern European countries.

A total of 55 applications were received for the 2023 Mieroszewski Badaj Scholarship Programme in Poland. Out of 41 applications submitted for consideration, the committee decided to grant funding to 15 scholarship holders from Belarus, Ukraine, Lithuania and Russia.

The total amount was PLN 598,000.

The scholarship holders will study, among other things, Polish-Ukrainian cultural relations in the interwar period of the 20th century; women's experience of war in the context of everyday history and anthropological research; or the history of Poland's and Ukraine's road to Europe.