Russian Oppositional Arts Review ROAR #3

Russian Oppositional Arts Review ROAR #3
Diana Dniepr

ROAR or Review of Russian Opposition Culture is an online magazine of Russian cultural creators published bimonthly from 24 April 2022. Thanks to a collaboration with the Mieroszewski Centre, the third issue, which came out six months after the full-scale invasion, has just been published in Polish.

The theme is everyday defiance. Linor Goralik, editor and initiator of ROAR, writes: "The war has been going on for six months. They are the six months of death and suffering, the six months of horror and violence—and the six months of fierce resistance to the enemy, every day, every minute, every second of it. This daily resistance, to the war and repressions, to the violence and the propaganda, seems one of the most important kinds of human heroism in the times when the Russian power machine puts immense effort in killing, destroying, breaking, and maiming everyone who stands in its way. The works published in the third issue of ROAR speak not only of that everyday resistance to Russian power’s violence in its different forms but also about the fact that there doesn’t seem to be another way of winning, and overcoming it."

We invite you to read more.