84th Anniversary of the Katyn Massacre

The Mieroszewski Centre continually strives to perpetuate the memory of the Katyn Massacre, one of the most tragic chapters in Polish history. Our education and remembrance activities revolve around four key projects aimed at preserving and passing on knowledge of this event to future generations.

1. Katyń Pro Memoria: portal and guide

The Mieroszewski Centre, through the 'Katyń Pro Memoria' project, aims to bring the burial sites of the victims of the Katyn Massacre closer to the public, knowing that for many access to these sites is limited or impossible. The project includes the free publication "Katyn. Przewodnik szlakiem Zbrodni" (Katyn. A Guide to the Trail of the Massacre) and an internet portal offering a virtual walk through Katyn cemeteries, allowing one to discover the history and atmosphere of these places anew. The portal presents the "Voices" of the victims and witnesses, read by prominent Polish actors and actresses, and enables the virtual lighting of a candle for specific victims, restoring their individual dimension.

2 Lesson scenarios on the Katyn Massacre

Developing the historical awareness of the young generation is a priority for us. That is why we have created scenarios for history lessons about the Katyn Massacre, available for download on our website. These comprehensive educational materials, aimed at primary and secondary schools, aim not only to impart historical knowledge, but also to develop critical thinking skills and empathy among students.

3 The book Katyń Pro Memoria: a polyphony of voices on the Crime

Our commitment to researching the Katyn Massacre has resulted in the publication of a book that is a record of interviews with researchers, journalists, lawyers from various countries and people directly affected by the Crime. This publication allows us to look at the Katyn Massacre from many perspectives, showing its significance in the context of 20th century totalitarianisms, contemporary Russia and intergenerational memory.

4 Light a Light of Remembrance

We are also not forgetting the social action "Light the Light of Remembrance", which aims to individually commemorate each victim of the Katyn Massacre. Through our portal, everyone can light a virtual candle and learn the story of a specific person buried in Katyn.

On the anniversary of the Katyn Massacre, we invite you to visit our portal, learn about the projects and join our commemoration activities. Let every gesture of remembrance contribute to preserving the truth about this tragic event in our common history.

#KatynProMemoria #LightLightMemory