"Eventually black nationalism will flow out of Russia".

Where: Warszawa

Biblioteka na Koszykowej
ul. Koszykowa 26/28, Warszawa

Wlodzimierz Bączkowski was unfortunately not mistaken when he uttered these words in 1992. An eminent sovietologist, one of the most interesting voices in Polish discussions on national and eastern politics of the 20th century, he left behind many diagnoses and prescriptions that not only have not aged, but help to understand today's situation, in particular the evolution of Russia.

For years, Bączkowski's work remained the domain of a fairly narrow circle of specialists. The writings were almost completely forgotten and difficult to access. Their reissue by the Mieroszewski Centre and the Centre for Political Thought serves not only to remind us of the figure of an excellent publicist and penetrating analyst, but also to broaden the source base for the still ongoing debates on optimal Polish policy towards its eastern neighbours.

We would like to invite you to a discussion on the figure and work of Włodzimierz Bączkowski with the participation of renowned experts on the subject - Wojciech Konończuk, editor of the collection of writings by Włodzimierz Bączkowski, and Bogumiła Berdychowska, a specialist in Polish-Ukrainian relations. The meeting will be chaired by Ernest Wyciszkiewicz.