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The Mieroszewski Centre offers a wide range of training, workshops and educational programmes.

Trainings - Central and Eastern Europe

The Centre carries out a wide range of educational and training activities, organising workshops, seminars, study visits and specialised programmes that deepen knowledge of the history, culture and politics of Central and Eastern Europe.

It offers training on combating disinformation, thematic summer schools and translation schools to develop skills in translating literature. The Centre actively combats stereotypes and disinformation, promoting sound knowledge and teaching critical thinking. 

The training courses organised by the Mieroszewski Centre are conducted by eminent specialists who share their knowledge and experience with the participants. Participation in our projects is not only a chance to acquire new knowledge, but also an opportunity to make valuable professional contacts. Trainings, such as the school of international law or fact-checking workshops, help participants to better understand contemporary challenges and equip them with the tools they need to work effectively in their fields.

We invite you to learn more about the Mieroszewski Centre's range of training courses and workshops and to participate in our educational programmes that support the development of knowledge, skills and cooperation between the peoples of Central and Eastern Europe.