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During sixth edition of Polish-Russian Translation School ten translators worked on their texts. In connection with Russia's armed aggression against Ukraine, this year we decided to change the formula and translate anti-war texts by Russian writers published on

ROAR was created to show readers those texts of contemporary Russian-language culture which oppose the official culture - loyal, servile, in its extreme form combining with open propaganda, serving the criminal Russian government. The theme of the first issue of RAOR was Russia's war against Ukraine. Each issue of ROAR is published in a minimum of two languages: the full Russian version and a selection of texts in English.

Edition VI

5th edition of the translation school for beginner translators of literature from Russian into Polish

Participants of the fifth anniversary edition of the school are engaged in translating a collection of short stories by Russian writer Alexei Motorov, once an employee of the intensive care unit of a Moscow hospital.

His debut collection of short stories, Юные годы медбрата Паровозова (Yunyye gody medbrata Parovozova), based on the author's recollections of his medical practice in the 1980s, was published in 2012. The protagonist of the stories is twenty-three-year-old Alexei Motorov (Parovozov is his pseudonym). Already a month after its publication, the book was named "Book of the Month" by the "Moscow" bookstore. Motorov also received the readers' prize in the "NOS" competition organised by the Mikhail Prokhorov Foundation and was shortlisted for the "Bolshaya Kniga" award.

Motorov's debut collection of short stories will soon be published in Polish!

Edition V

4th edition of the translation school for beginner translators of literature from Russian into Polish

In the 4th edition, the participants worked on the translation of an anthology of dramas compiled by Mikhail Durnenkov, director of the festival of contemporary Russian drama LUBIMOVKA.

The workshop included nine weekend meetings. Each meeting was divided into two parts: lectures by experts, experienced translators, editors, and publishers from Poland and Russia, including Galina Yozefovich, Pavel Rudnev, Julia Holewińska, and Elżbieta Tabakowska.

Editorial work on the publication of the anthology is currently underway.


Edition IV

3rd edition of the translation school for beginner translators of literature from Russian into Polish

Thanks to us, the beginner translators became acquainted with the whole cycle of a translator's work: from researching the publishing market and selecting the material to be translated, through analysing a literary text and editing one's own translation, to the legal aspects of the translator's job, obtaining financial support and contact with publishers. They put their newly acquired knowledge into practice right away – during classes they worked on translating texts by contemporary Russian writers, not yet issued in Poland, which will be published by the Centre for Polish-Russian Dialogue and Understanding in the form of a book.

Edition III

Word to word. Polish-Russian Translation School

In June, we finished courses within the second edition of the Polish-Russian Translation School. Word to word. Nine young translators, both female and male, worked for nine months on translating nine Russian short stories.

Thanks to participation in our courses, they gained a unique opportunity to get to know and practice the whole path of translator's work: from understanding the publishing market and the choice of a text to translate, through literary text analysis, editing their own translation, to the legal aspects of translator's work, obtaining funding and contact with the publishing house. The knowledge the participants had acquired was immediately put into practice – during the course they worked on the translation of short stories by contemporary Russian writers who had not been translated into Polish before. The choice was made by the Russian literary critic Galina Józefowicz. The publication of the anthology is planned for 2020.

Edition II

Word to word. Polish-Russian Translation School

The first edition of the school began in October 2017 and finished in June 2018. In the recruitment process we selected nine translators taking their first steps in literary translation, working in the Russian-Polish language pair. We met ten times to get to know the whole work path of a translator: from understanding the publishing market and choice of material to be translated, through analysis of literary texts, editing their own translations, to the legal aspects of a translator's job, obtaining subsidies and contact with a publishing house.

The knowledge the participants had acquired was immediately put into practice – during the course they worked on the translation of Anna Matveeva's collection of short stories, which was published at the beginning of 2019. More about the book here.

Edition I