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Do you speak Polish and Georgian? Are you a lover of literature? Do you want to develop your professional career working with text? We announce the first edition of the Mieroszewski Centre's Polish-Georgian Translation School.

Words on Words, i.e. discussions about literature, working together on a text, networking with other translators, all culminating in a publication!

The aim of the project is to create a new generation of translators of Georgian literature into Polish, in view of the increasing demand for literary translations and the insufficient number of people with the necessary skills and competences to do so. The project involves a series of practical seminars for budding translators, led by experienced translator of Georgian literature, Magdalena Nowakowska, and external experts.

The literary material the translators will work on will include five short stories by Georgian authors, which will then be published by the Mieroszewski Centre.

The Polish-Georgian Translation School is a series of four weekend meetings - we will meet from December to May. In addition, future participants will have the opportunity for three on-line consultations.

In the course of the Mieroszewski Centre's workshops, participants:

  • will learn the specifics of the work of a translator of Georgian literature,
  • develop their translation skills,
  • gain practical knowledge on how to cooperate with publishers.

Thanks to our school you will also get to know the working environment of people with the same passions and outstanding lecturers and tutors.

To date, we have trained as many as 58 translators and translators in the Words for Words translation programme, published 4 books and spent almost 800 hours in class together during 54 conventions - you can trust us!


Polish-Georgian Translation School