War 2022: Essays, Poems, Journals

Book edition
39,90 PLN
25,00 PLN
Author: Wołodymyr Rafiejenko - wybór i opracowanie
Translation: Paulina Ciucka, Jerzy Czech, Marcin Gaczkowski, Aneta Kamińska, Anna Łazar, Joanna Majewska-Grabowska, Michał Petryk, Maciej Piotrowski, Jacek Podsiadło, Adam Pomorski, Janusz Radwański, Anna Ursułenko, Bohdan Zadura, Marek S. Zadura
Publisher: Centrum Mieroszewskiego, Nowa Polszcza
Edition: pierwsze
Publishing date: 2023
Binding : twarda, szyta
Format: 145x200 mm
Number of sites: 424
ISBN: 978-83-66883-53-6

The end of February 2022 turned the life of Ukraine and its people upside down, but also the European security architecture. Russia's invasion brought death, sorrow and irreparable losses, but it did not break the Ukrainian national spirit. The new reality of war gave birth to a phenomenon of new creativity, including literary creativity.

The publication of Nowa Polska and the Mieroszewski Centre "War 2022: Essays, Poems, Journals" is a response to this phenomenon and a book unique in its kind. The anthology managed to bring together excerpts from the diaries, essays and poems of more than 40 Ukrainian contemporary writers - Serhiy Zhadan, Yuriy Andrukhovych, Kateryna Babkina, Andriy Lubko and others. The texts for the anthology were written in trenches, bomb shelters, refugee centres, border crossings, to the sound of sirens.

- For the most part, the texts in the anthology are not the result of rationally constructed writing, they embody words of shock, piercing pain, sincere belief in victory. It is an anthology of war, an anthology of resistance, an anthology of victory.Volodymyr Rafiejenko, writer and editor of the volume, says.

The volume includes texts by the following authors and writers: Iryna Cilyk, Artem Czapaj, Artem Chekhov, Larysa Denysenko, Anatoly Dnistrovyj, Oeśeś Ilchenko, Oleksandr Irwaneć, Petro Jacenko, Kateryna Kalytko, Pavlo Kazarin, Ija Kiwa, Oleh Kocarev, Pavlo Korobczuk, Lina Kostenko, Halyna Kruk, Anastasija Levkova, Vasyl Machno, Kateryna Mikhalitsyna, Yuliya Musakovskaya, Olena Pavlova, Bohdana Romantsova, Mariana Sawka, Iryna Slawinskaya, Anastasia Stefurak, Olena Stepanenko, Iryna Shuvalova, Haska Shyzhan, Natalia Tkaczyk, Yuriy Vynnychuk, Pavlo Vysebaba, Serhiy Zhadan.