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Even darker

Book edition
35,00 PLN
25,00 PLN

‘Even darker’ is a unique anthology of contemporary Georgian short stories that introduces Polish readers to a world of literature full of emotion, reflection and deep historical and cultural contexts.

The stories written by Archil Kikodze, Ana Kordzai-Samadashvili, Tamta Melashvili, Zura Lezhava and Zura Abashidze explore universal themes such as family trauma, alienation, migration or the struggle for identity in a dynamically changing world. Each of these stories is a literary lens that allows the reader to see both the personal dramas of the protagonists and the wider socio-historical context.

Literature at the intersection of past and present

The anthology is not only a record of literary experience, but also a testimony to contemporary Georgia's struggle with its post-colonial legacy. The stories show how Russian imperialism and its effects have affected the country's society and culture. At the same time, the book becomes particularly topical in the context of the fight against disinformation, which destabilises the region and attempts to distort its historical narrative.

‘Even darker’ is a symbolic voice of defiance - both against external influences and internal challenges, such as the search for identity and the preservation of cultural independence. For the Polish reader, it is also an opportunity to discover the deep and diverse literature of the Caucasus, which is becoming part of the global literary dialogue.

The collection is the result of the work of the Polish-Georgian School of Translation ‘Words for Words’, a project that brings together two distant languages and cultures, opening a space for literary dialogue.

Meet the authors

  • ARCZIL KIKODZE - writer, actor, screenwriter and photographer. Winner of the Georgian Saba Award for his book Birds and People. His novel The Southern Elephant was recognised as the 2017 book of the year and awarded the Literary Prize. Polish translations of his books have been published by Borderland Publishing House.
  • TAMTA MELASZWILI - writer, winner of two Saba awards (2011, 2023). Feminist, gender studies researcher, author of the book Brave Girls from Georgia's Past. Her short stories are from the volume Marine Angels (2017). Her novel Kos kos blackberry has been published in Poland.
  • ZURAB LEŻAWA - a writer who wants his work to speak for itself. At his request, the publisher does not provide biographical details.
  • ANA KORDZAJA-SAMADASZWILI - writer, translator of German literature and lecturer in Russian literature. Winner of the Goethe Institute Prize for her translation of Elfriede Jelinek's novels. Author of the short story collection I, Margarita (2005), which made it to the New York Library's list of 365 recommended books.
  • ZURA ABASZIDZE - writer of the young generation, journalist and activist. His debut collection How to Kill Billy Eliot? was awarded a Saba in 2017. The short story When Zhora falls asleep is from this collection. Abashidze's work portrays contemporary Georgia and is memorable for readers.
Book edition
35,00 PLN
25,00 PLN
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