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Documents for the history of Polish-Soviet relations 1918-1945 Volume I,II,III,IV

250,00 PLN

Discover the history of Polish-Soviet relations from the end of the Second Polish Republic to the end of the Second World War. The Mieroszewski Centre presents a complete collection of four volumes that provide one of the most important sources for analysing key political and diplomatic events in Polish-Soviet relations.

The collection offers comprehensive documentation, including unique materials from Polish, Russian, Ukrainian, British and American archives. For the first time, all the documents have been collected in one place, providing a complete insight into the diplomatic, political and military relations of the period.

The publication is the result of many years of research by eminent scholars, including Prof. Mariusz Wołos, Prof. Marek Kornat, Prof. Jan Jacek Bruski, Dr. Łukasz Adamski and Dr. Piotr Głuszkowski. Publishing by the Mieroszewski Centre is an invaluable aid for researchers, history enthusiasts and anyone wishing to explore the difficult history of Polish-Soviet relations

What does the package contain?

  • four volumes,
  • eight parts,
  • over 6,000 pages full of secret notes, documents and dispatches.

Volume I: The years 1918-1926, ed. by Prof. Mariusz Wołos and Prof. Jan Jacek Bruski 

  • Part 1: Poland between ‘white’ and ‘red’ Russia (November 1918 - March 1921) 
  • Part 2: The search for normalisation (April 1921 - May 1926) 

This collection of documents covers the beginnings of diplomatic relations between Poland and Russia, from independence to the May Coup of 1926. The edition of diplomatic, military and press documents reveals the difficult beginnings of relations between the reborn Republic and the Soviet state.

Volume II: The Years 1926-1932 edited by Dr. Piotr Głuszkowski

  • Part 1: The difficult years (June 1926 - February 1929) 
  • Part 2: On the road to stability (February 1929 - July 1932) 

The volume describes a period of relative stability in Polish-Soviet relations and the difficulties associated with distrust on both sides and the memory of the Bolshevik defeat in 1920. The documents show attempts to secure national interests in the shadow of potential conflict.

Volume III: The Years 1932-1939 edited by Professor Marek Kornat

  • Part 1: Rapprochement and parting of the ways (July 1932 - May 1935) 
  • Part 2: Between armed peace and cold war (May 1935 - August 1939) 

An analysis of diplomatic relations on the eve of the Second World War, from the non-aggression pact to the events of the last day of peace in Europe. The volume reveals behind-the-scenes cabinet politics and tensions between Warsaw and Moscow.

Volume IV: The Years 1939-1945, ed. by Dr. Łukasz Adamski

  • Part 1: War and Armistice (September 1939 - December 1942) 
  • Part 2: Imponderables and realities (January 1943 - June 1945) 

A collection of documents from the Second World War, including diplomatic correspondence, reports and notes, which reveal the difficult relationship between the Polish government-in-exile and the Soviet authorities. The publication helps to understand the decision-making processes and the political atmosphere of the time.

Learn about the behind-the-scenes politics and diplomacy of the 20th century with this unique collection. Now in one package - don't miss the opportunity to have the whole thing in your bookcase. 

  • Academic editors: Volume I - Prof. Mariusz Wołos and Prof. Jan Jack Bruski Volume II - Dr. Piotr Głuszkowski Volume III - Prof. Marek Kornat Volume IV - Dr. Łukasz Adamski
  • Translation: Volume I - Russian language - Jan Jacek Bruski, Katarzyna Chimiak, Adam Jaskólski, Mariusz Wołos, Piotr Zemszał, French language - Mariusz Wołos Volume II - Adam Jaskólski, Piotr Zemszał Volume III - Marta Głuszkowska, Adam Jaskólski Volume IV - Katarzyna Chimiak, Łukasz Adamski
  • Number of pages: Volume I - Part I: LXXXVIII + 752; Part II: 950 Volume II - Part I: LIV + 592; Part II: 546 Volume III - Part I: CXII + 854; Part II: 1118 Volume IV - Part I: XLIX + 476; Part II: 518 II: 518
  • The books were prepared as part of the project "Collecting source materials for Polish-Soviet relations" funded under the programme of the Minister of Science and Higher Education called "National Programme for the Development of the Humanities" in the years 2014-2020.
250,00 PLN
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