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Presentation of books by Włodzimierz Bączkowski

1.03.2023 (Wednesday), 17:00

Refektarz, Zakład Narodowy im. Ossolińskich, ul. Szewska 37


Zakład Narodowy im. Ossolińskich, Centrum Mieroszewskiego

The Ossoliński National Institute and the Mieroszewski Centre invite to a discussion on the figure and work of Włodzimierz Bączkowski

Włodzimierz Bączkowski was unfortunately not mistaken when he uttered these words in 1992. An outstanding sovietologist, one of the most interesting voices in Polish discussions on national and eastern policy of the 20th century, he left behind many diagnoses and prescriptions that not only have not aged, but help to understand the situation today, especially the evolution of Russia.

We invite you to a discussion with the participation of eminent experts on the subject - Wojciech Konończuk, editor of the collection of writings by Włodzimierz Bączkowski and Paweł Kowal. The meeting will be moderated by Łukasz Kamiński, director of the Ossoliński National Institute.

Łukasz Kamiński - Director of the Ossoliński National Institute. Historian specialising in the history of communism and anti-communist resistance. Assistant professor at the University of Wrocław. Between 2000 and 2016 at the Institute of National Remembrance, 2011-2016 as its president. From 2017 to 2021 president of the Platform of European Memory and Conscience. Co-editor (with Grzegorz Waligóra) of History of Solidarity (in 6 volumes, 2010).

Wojciech Konończuk - Director of the Marek Karp Centre for Eastern Studies. Previously deputy director, head of the Belarus, Ukraine and Moldova Team and analyst for energy and Russian foreign policy in the OSW Russian Team. In the past also a visiting scholar at the Kennan Institute in Washington DC, and a participant in several international research projects (e.g. Centre for European Policy Studies, Think Visegrad, German Association for East European Studies).

Paweł Kowal - Professor, employee of the Institute of Political Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences and the Natolin College of Europe, historian, publicist, Member of the European Parliament (2009-2014), Member of the Sejm of the 5th, 6th and 9th parliamentary term (2005-2009, from 2019), former Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs. Specialises in contemporary history (including the history of the People's Republic of Poland), Poland's eastern policy and the European Union. Author of the book ‘Testament of Prometheus’ devoted to the formation of Polish eastern policy during the transition period and explanation of its genesis.