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Kraszanka for Poles and Ruthenians for Easter 1882

20,00 PLN

The publication is an academic edition of Panteleimon Kulisz's little-known journalistic work, ‘Kraszanka dla Polaków i Rusinów na Wielkanoc 1882’. The eminent Ukrainian writer, wishing to bring Galician Poles and Ruthenians (Ukrainians) into cooperation, decided to publicly dispel many myths firmly rooted in the historical memory of both peoples.

In ‘Kraszanka’, he presented his perspective on the causes of these historical disputes, sometimes dating back to the late Middle Ages, the interpretation of which in the 19th century strongly divided Poles and Ruthenians. In particular, the writer strongly criticised the activities of the Cossacks and the Jesuits, and condemned the researchers and publicists who were involved in the dissemination of mythologised history, an interpretation of history devoid of source support.

The publication is preceded by an introduction explaining the circumstances of the creation of ‘Kraszanka’ and an article showing the meanders of Panteleimon Kulisz's intellectual and political life and the influence of Poles and Polish culture on his biography.

20,00 PLN