
A month in Poland

  1. Anyone employed by or working with an academic, expert, or research centre who has a record of scientific and research work and who is doing or plans to do scientific/research activities in areas covered by the Centre.
  2. A person without a doctoral degree or equivalent who is pursuing a doctoral programme or has a proven track record of scientific and research activities and who is doing or plans to do scientific/research activities in areas covered by the Centre.

The scholarship is open to scholars and researchers from: Ukraine, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Russia.

The programme is addressed to those who conduct or intend to conduct research in Poland on the history, political situation, culture, and heritage of the peoples of Central and Eastern Europe within the scope of the statutory tasks of the Mieroszewski Centre.

The grantee has the opportunity to conduct research involving, for example, interviews, surveys, archival or library searches.

The scholarship is awarded for a period of one month.

You can download the application form here.

You can apply in Polish or English.

Please send your application by email to:

The stipend is paid in a one-time amount of PLN 6500.

The scholarships are awarded by a Committee of Experts appointed by the Director of the Centre.