Collapse of an Empire. Lessons for Modern Russia by Yegor Gaidar

Author: Jegor Gajdar
Publisher: Centrum Polsko-Rosyjskiego Dialogu i Porozumienia
Edition: pierwsze
Publishing date: 2016
Binding : twarda, szyta
Format: 155 x 235 mm
Number of sites: 522
ISBN: 978-83-64486-34-0

Yegor Gaidar, who died prematurely in 2009, former prime minister of Russia, was one of the authors of the programme of radical economic reforms that were carried out in this country in the early nineties, as well as highly respected ecconomist in the world.

The book Collapse of the Empire released in Russia in 2006 became a bestseller there. The author draws an extensive historical background, investigates the causes of the collapse of an empires prior to the USSR, analyses the sources of instability of authoritarian regimes and the risks associated with the backrest of the economy on the export of resources.

In detail and reliably - as a witness and participant of the events - describes the economic situation of the USSR in the late eighties and early nineties and ineffective policy that led to its collapse. In this way disproves the myth of the mighty Soviet Union, which still lingers in Russia, as part of loud and pro-imperial  propaganda.

Medicine knows a phenomenon that pain does not pass in the amputated leg. It can apply also to post-imperial consciousness. Loss of the Soviet Union is reality. Reality and social pain caused by the separation of the families, loss of homes and nostalgic memories about the former power of a homeland, which has lost the familiar outlines. It is quite easy to use that pain in politics.