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Polish-Ukrainian journalists' forum

From June 17 to 19, at the invitation of Press Club Polska and the Mieroszewski Center, a forum of Polish and Ukrainian journalists entitled "Common Difficult Topics" will be held in Warsaw.

Polish-Ukrainian journalists' forum

The main goal of the study visit, which will bring 11 Ukrainian opinion leaders to Poland, is to create a space for free, substantive discussion between journalists from both countries. Forum participants, including editors-in-chief, editors, and correspondents, play a key role in shaping public debate in both Poland and Ukraine.

Jarosław Włodarczyk from Press Club Polska emphasizes that “Poland and Ukraine are connected by a shared history, common geopolitical and economic interests, and the ongoing war. However, there is often a lack of mutual understanding in all these areas, even among journalists. The reason for this situation is that we know too little about each other and discuss too little. The forum organized by Press Club Polska and the Mieroszewski Center is an opportunity for such open discussion and better understanding of the other side.”

The meeting topics include:

  • History: How to discuss history, perception of the other country's heroes, reception of certain commemorations.
  • Economy: Grain trade, blockades of Ukrainian exports, farmers' protests in Poland, the economic policies of the European Union and Poland.
  • War and defense: Planned and expected support for Ukraine from NATO countries, analysis of supplied armaments.
  • Society: Public opinion on the other country, negative narratives and their sources, including those originating from Russia.

Additionally, during the three-day forum, Polish and Ukrainian journalists will have the opportunity to discuss key issues in relations between the countries, ways of presenting them in the media, and understanding mutual narratives. This meeting will increase resistance to disinformation and enable the communication of a fuller and more impartial picture of reality to the societies of Poland and Ukraine. The format of the meetings will allow for deep discussion, understanding the arguments and narratives of the other side, and analyzing Russian interference in information.

The forum "Common Difficult Topics," through open dialogue among journalists, is a step towards building stronger, more understandable relations between Poland and Ukraine.